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Byrdcliffe's Residency! CAST grant! Viola Partita!

I was selected as an artist for Byrdcliffe’s Communal Artist Residency Program at the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild and will be in Woodstock from June 28-July 23! In addition to starting on the expansive Yiddish song cycle, I will be working on some partimento projects, finishing the string quartet cycle, and prepping for another wonderful season with A Besere Velt.

Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild

In other news, I finished the last movement of my Partita for Solo Viola, written for the brilliant violist (and my friend), Jesse Morrison. The completion of the total composition comes a year after it began due to 9 months of injury, difficult loss, and an overall challenging year in my life. The story that I try to tell in this work is a sad one, but it's necessary. It is a massive weight off of my shoulders to finish..

from Partita for Viola (2024)

Lastly, I am a proud recipient of a MIT CAST (Council on Arts, Science, & Technology) Fay Chandler Creativity Grant for a concert of my music coming this fall!

Accepted full-time Lecturer in Music at MIT

As of today, I have accepted the position of permanent, full-time Lecturer at MIT. A position that comes with job security, full benefits, academic freedom, and the greatest students and colleagues in the world to work with. To say that this is a dream come true is a dramatic understatement. I am foolishly happy and it doesn't seem real. My five years as being adjunct at MIT have been some of the happiest and creative of my life, and to think that this is my future is unreal. Many thanks to my amazing colleagues who all supported me through these years. I am forever grateful.